T e n u t a S e t t e P o n t i

In the heart of Valdarno. The common thread in all our wines is elegance and quality without compromise. You don’t have to care about time to produce great wines that have balance, elegance, precision, depth, identity, territoriality. This is our mission, our philosophy. Fully organic and sustainable viticulture.

O r m a

An immaculate open-air cru designed by nature. A dream: to leave a Footprint while trying to limit our action on the wine as much as possible. The ‘goal is simple: to capture the spirit of nature and bring it to its highest level. Everything revolves around an extraordinary vineyard, very challenging, and a wine son of the utmost simplicity enhancing the characteristics of a unique territory, Bolgheri, a world wine jewel. We thus express elegant, complex wines with great personality.

P o g g i o a l L u p o

Lands warmed by the sun, mitigated by sea breezes. In the heart of the Maremma liesPoggio al Lupo. Its vineyards paint evocative geometries on the hills until they lap the nearby Tyrrhenian coast with Isola del Giglio in front and Talamone to the side.An area of great potential for the production of high quality wines, as well as from the undoubted natural beauty, so fascinating and still unspoiled.

F e u d o M a c c a r i

In the heart of the Val di Noto. Exposure of the soft hills, the white, limestone soils, and the influence rising from the intersection of the two seas create the best conditions for its bush-trained vines to grow and give birth to great wines. Here Nero d’Avola, Grillo and Syrah grow alongside almonds, carob and olive trees, the symbolic plants of the Mediterranean environment.

A n i m a e t n e a

Contrada Santo Spirito, between Passopisciaro and Randazzo. Telling the two souls of Etna. Everything great about nature, everything beautiful, everything terrible, can be compared to Etna, and Etna cannot be compared to anything. A mysterious and special place, a unique ecosystem characterized by extraordinary climatic variability: where balance is achieved by a combination of violent and primitive elements.