Vigna Guarnaschelli 2021 - 1

Vigna Guarnaschelli 2021

An Old Vineyard about 60 years old, with slight westward exposure in dialect called “U Quadrato”. Clayey matrix of brown soils with presence of skeleton. The plants produce clusters of the highest quality, replicating each year with exceptional constancy, the result of skilled hands and deep roots. The sun, mitigated by winds that blow from all directions, create a play of temperature changes that the old saplings benefit from to give complex and aromatic grapes.


Vigna Guarnaschelli 2021 - 1
Technical Features

Name of the Wine: Vigna Guarnaschelli
Classification:Nero d’Avola Sicilia DOC
Vintage: 2021
Production zone: Sicily – Noto
Varieties: Nero d’Avola
Altitude: 40 metres above the sea level
Trellis: Bush system
Vineyard layout: 1,25mt. x 1,25mt.
Number of vines per Ha: 5.555
Yield per hectare: 1 tons
