Vigna Sultana 2021
Pronouncedly sloping bush-trained vineyard facing northwest. White soil from limestone matrix, rich in minerals and drainage capacity. The pronounced slope and a very lean soil, enhance the pedoclimatic characteristics where the Nero d’Avola saplings find a natural habitat. It is an extreme terroir, a combination of environmental and human factors that distinguish Sultana from other vineyards. The Light reflected from Sultana’s white soils enhances the characteristics of the vineyard’s grapes.

Technical Features
Name of the Wine: Vigna Sultana
Classification:Nero d’Avola Sicilia DOC
Vintage: 2021
Production zone: Sicily – Noto
Varieties: Nero d’Avola
Altitude: 60 metres above the sea level
Trellis: Bush system
Vineyard layout: 1,25mt. x 1,25mt.
Number of vines per Ha: 5.555
Yield per hectare: 1 tons